
Abstract Surgical repair of the para-conduit hernia provides an increasing challenge in the era of minimally invasive oesophagectomy. The key principles are preservation of the gastric conduit and its right gatro epiploic vascular arcade, and durable closure of the defect. Of various methods, posterior crural repair is difficult without mobilising and risking and kinking the conduit, while anterior repair of a big defect requires the adjunct of a mesh which carries its own risks of infection or erosion. There is no consensus on the appropriate surgical technique. We propose that the Left pillar of the hiatus be pinched to provide an effective repair. This is safe as dissection and suturing is well away from the conduit and arcade. We find the left pillar to be adequately mobile to allow repair, and the sutures sit in the tendinous portion of the left hemi diaphragm to provide durability. We provide 2 videos to describe the key steps in this technique and demonstrate that this technique is effective in both small and large defects, and acute and chronic para-conduit hernia. Link: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Anu-cyBTuGbsgbxtX8aLf2P1YEPl9g?e=fXz7Pm. Please contact me, shantjog@gmail.com if this link does not work and I will explore an alternative method to share the video. Many thanks.

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