
In order to differentiate the antagonistic and agonistic effect of TOR at the level of the hypothalamus-hypophysis (HT-HP) axis, LHRH test was performed during a phase II clinical trial. In 15 postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer FSH and LH release—induced by LHRH agonist (Suprefaet-R 0.5 mg sc.)—was monitored during a 16–week TOR treatment (60 mg/day po). The functional test was carried out prior TOR therapy and then 4, 8, 12, 16 weeks afterwards. FSH and LH were measured by RIA method. On the basis of our endocrine study, TOR has a strong antagonistic (antiestrogenic) mechanism of action at the level of the HP, and a tissuespecific agonistic effect in the periphery. The drug sensitizes the HP for the LHRH stimulus without eliciting any clinical or hormonal side effect. The LHRH test supported our earlier findings, obtained by the TRH provocation test, i.e. TOR exerts its effect predominantly at the level of the pituitary gland.

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