
Abstract Introduction Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection firm enough for sexual performance. ED devices such as pumps and constriction devices and prescription oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors are commonly known ED treatments. Objective Our aim was to evaluate an alternative therapy for ED for the approximately 80 percent of men who currently do not use any form of the aforementioned ED treatment options. Eddie by Giddy™ is a device that allows patients to use a novel constriction device to enhance the normal physiology of an erection to treat ED. Medical comorbidities such as anxiety, ADHD, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and depression, as well as medications such as antidepressants, anti anxiety medications, opioids and cardiac medications can impact erectile function. Our goal was to specifically evaluate the efficacy of the device in the general patient populations. Methods Our research team surveyed 60 male participants (59 who completed the study), 26 to 81 years of age, about their erectile performance over a 12 week period of time, during which participants utilized the Eddie by Giddy device. Participants completed an intake assessment, medical history, and reported on their sexual behavior and erectile performance as they used the device over the 12 weeks, during which patients rated their experience with the device, self-esteem, quality of life changes, the impact on their relationships, frequency of erections, duration of erections and the quality of erections. Results Participants showed improvement in all but one question in the survey over the 12 week period, with a particularly higher improvement between weeks 4 and 8, and sustained that improved sexual function and erection quantity and quality through week 12. Of the participants who concluded the study, 95 percent reported having overall positive results from using the Eddie by Giddy device. With respect to the survey questions, participants on average showed a 63 percent improvement in number of times attempting to receive oral sex, a 53 percent improvement in ability to maintain an erection during masturbation, a 52 percent improvement in confidence to perform sexually, and a 47 percent improvement in satisfaction of erections when attempting sexual intercourse. Conclusions Attitudes of participants with ED using Eddie® showed strong, significant improvement in erectile function, quality of life, hopefulness for future sex life and overall self-esteem in all categories of patients. Eddie by Giddy use over 12 weeks was shown to improve satisfaction among male participants of sexual health and mental health without the need for oral medication. Disclosure Yes, this is sponsored by industry/sponsor: Giddy, Inc Clarification Industry funding only - investigator initiated and executed study Any of the authors act as a consultant, employee or shareholder of an industry for: Giddy, Inc.

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