
Abstract Introduction In France in 2019 the level of abortion is the highest for thirty years. Between 2010 and 2013, the use of oral contraception fell from 50% to 41% to reach 32% in 2018 (Women aged 15 to 49) Hormone phobia is often cited when the woman refuses œstrogen-progestins, but use of the morning after pill continues with one million "levonorgestrel 1,5 mg" sold each year in France. Remember this after morning pill contains 15 times more levonorgestrel than the pill. The situation is therefore more complex, and we need to understand the multiples factor that contribute to non-use medical contraception Objective Understand the possible causes of contraceptiv refusal in France We want to expose how the obligation of medical prescription to obtain oral contraception build a negativ representation of the pill by cognitiv distorsion. Methods We have etablished a statistical inventory concerning the evolution of the use of hormonal contraception in France since the contraceptive crisis in 2012 and put into perspective the number of abortions performed in France We carried out a review of literature by introducing in Pub Med the keywords "contraception over-the-counter" for a period of 5 years until 06/2022 the information obtained was confronted with the study of the effects of new information and communication techniques on perceptions and on constructions of mental representations Results The literature review from 06/2017 to 06/2022 reports that dispensing of contraception over-the-counter would promote its use, reduces the interruption of treatment,,would reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies and would support the empowerment of women and girls. At the same time, in the "ATAWAD" era, anytime-anywhere- any device, the non accessibility to an object confers a representation and an imaginary of a dangerous product. This mechanism may be involved in contraceptiv refusal. Conclusions People who want to use contraception face many barriers: time, transport, cost, stigma, moral and even religious prejudices of prescribers. We recall that since 2012 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that contraceptives must be available over-the-counter, This is already the case in several states. in 2017 in France the Family Planning has supported a petition to obtain hormonal contraception without prescription and we want this to become possible. Disclosure No

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