
It is important to know if quality number relationships with fineness and staple crimp undergo periodic variation. Australian wools grown in 1917—8, 1942—5, 1950—1 and 1954—5 have been compared among themselves and with Duerden's (1929) South African greasy wool relationship. There is evidence that in quality number-staple crimp relationships more crimps-per-inch were required in 1917—8 in the 64s—44s range than in the more recent groups and that the possibility of intra-continental trends is indicated by the Western Australian tendency to require fewer crimps-perinch in 58s—56s, than are required in the Eastern Australian states. In quality number-mean fibre thickness relationships, assessments made on 1917—8 growths were not significantly different from the Duerden values, although slight significant differences in 64s and 60s were noticed between 1917—8 and 1942—5 growths. The Western Australian 60s—50s showed a markedly coarser trend, when compared with all other groups. Staple crimp appeared to be mo...

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