
The disease begins with headaches lasting 2 days, then colicky pains in the abdomen come to the fore, with painful sensations on palpation in the Colon descendens area. Opіy only slightly and for a short time reduces pain and as a result of this rinsing of the intestines is impossible. Acceptance 01. Ricini induces vomiting. Warm poultices relieve colicky pain only when they are applied. As soon as it cools, the pain intensifies. This Status continues from September 7 to September 15, when a clearly flattened defecation appeared. Intestinal stenosis is diagnosed. Despite the use of narcotic drugs, colicky pains are so excruciating that the child rushes about in bed and screams good obscenities. The new study shows increased sensitivity in the left groin area, in the right groin area the pain is much less. Due to this edge of intestinal stenosis, an inflammatory process of the peritoneum of this space is assumed. Examination under anesthesia showed: an abscess in the left posterior fornix, which protrudes more posteriorly and presses the anterior wall of the recti into the intestinal lumen. Trial puncture into the posterior fornix. A large amount of green pus is erupting. The trocar tube is left in the abscess opening. Warm baths and warm flaxseed poultices are prescribed. Colicky pain after puncture is significantly reduced; appetite appeared. On September 20, pains again come as a result of stagnation of expiration. September 23 secondary punctuation. Significant relief of all symptoms. In the next days, the puncture site again overgrown and the pains resumed, but on September 27. during defecation, a mass of pus came out. Since then, the patient began to slowly recover. On October 15, pus came out of the last cut. The next day the temperature dropped to 36.5 . In 3 months after the onset of the disease, the patient began to attend school.


  • Billroth, Schroeder, Tedenert и др. наблюдали интралигаментарныя фиброміомы безъ связи съ маткой

  • На слѣдующій день температура упала до 36,5°

  • Сильное сотрясеніе во время паденія при переполненномъ кишечникѣ могло вызвать незначительное отслоеніе эпителія recti и такимъ образомъ дать доступъ инфекціи къ тазовой клѣчаткѣ и этимъ путемъ вызвать, имѣвшійся въ данномъ случаѣ, абсцессъ

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Schroeder, Tedenert и др. наблюдали интралигаментарныя фиброміомы безъ связи съ маткой. Плотные опухоли широкой связки встрѣчаются крайне рѣдко и мало изучены. Virchow первый указалъ на возможность прямаго развитія фиброміомъ изъ тканей широкой связки. Фиброміомы на ножкѣ гораздо демонстративнѣе, но встрѣчаются еще рѣже; до сихъ поръ опубликовано было только 5 случаевъ: Mikulicz’а, Sänger’а, Borker’а, Вiflinger’а и Doran’а. Авторъ удалилъ фиброміому на ножкѣ вѣсомъ 2500 граммъ изъ правой широкой маточной связки.

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