
Laser emission performances at 2 μm obtained from a Ho:Sc2SiO5 crystal was reported in this work. A few-layer MoS2 saturable absorber was used to obtain passively Q-switched regime. The laser beam quality was characterized by an M2 factor of 1.13 × 1.11. In continuous-wave mode the laser delivered 3.28 W output power for the pump with 12.58 W at 1.94 μm, which corresponds to an overall optical-to-optical efficiency of 0.26. The slope efficiency was 0.50. The maximum average power was 1.11 W and the laser run at 128.4 kHz repetition rate, indicating pulse energy of 8.62 μJ. The shortest laser pulse duration was measured to be 248 ns from which pulse peak power was determined as 34.77 W.

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