
AbnonnaJities of cerebellar Sl,cture~ have been implicaled in the neuropathology of schizophrenia. The results of in i!'{) ncuroimaging stUdies. however, are contradictory; some studies report smaller anterior vennis and larger fourth vcntricles in schizophrenics compared to controls and others report no differences. This inconsistency may be attributable, in p3rt, to imllging issues and lack of regional analysis. In this study we quantified regional cerebellar volumes in 19 mcn with DSM Ul·R diagnosis of schi1.ophrenia (age=43.4:.!::7.9 yr) and no history of alcohol dependence and 26 ageand gender-matched controls (ilge45.9: 10.0 yr) using 3D·MRI. The images were aligned in Ta· lairach coordinates and resliced using intraMructural landmarks. The cerebellar hemispheres and four regions of the vennis were outlined manually anti se~menlcll inlo gray mailer. white maller, and CSF compartments. Relative 10 controls. the schizophrenic group had significantly smaller white mailer volumcs of both hcmispheres (lcrt<.OO4. right p<.OO2) ami larger fourth ventricle volumes (p=.OOO4). The volume of the vennat region that comprised the nodulus and uvula was also significantly smaller in the patient group (total tissue p<O.02, white matter p<O.OO2). These dirferences were presellt even aner adjustment for nannal vari:ltion in head Stle or nge. The finding of founh ventricle enlargement is consistcllI with enlargement of othcr velltricular regions seen in schizophrenics. The nodulus is a part of ve~tibuloccrebo;:lIar system, which control!: eye movements and ballmce and may contribute to the eye·movement abnormalilil!s observed in schizophrenia. Supponcll by MH 30854. Dl.:partment of Veleruns Affairs

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