
The study examines the relationship between scrotal circumference and weight of testis with spermatozoa concentration aceh cattle at different age levels, as many as 20 samples of bull Aceh. The data collected were analyzed using analysis of variance satua direction. When there berbedaan between treatments, the data were further tested by Duncan multiple test, while to determine the relationship between age, scrotal circumference, weighing testis with spermatozoa concentration used simple regression analysis. Results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) scrotal circumference one way to show that there are significant differences (P <0.05) among all three age groups, as well as the concentration of spermatozoa showed significant differences in each age group. Scrotal circumference was positively related to the weight of the testes with regression coefficient (r) = 0, 945), the value (P <0.05), and the concentration of spermatozoa with regression coefficient (r) = 0, 834, the value (P <0, 05), as well as testes weight was positively related to the concentration of spermatozoa with regrsi coefficient (r) = 0, 831, (P <0.05). It can be concluded, the age effect on scrotal circumference, testis weight and the concentration of spermatozoa Aceh cattle.


  • The study examines the relationship between scrotal circumference and weight of testis

  • there berbedaan between treatments

  • the data were further tested by Duncan multiple test

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Menteri Pertanian RI melalui Keputusan

Aplikasi IB selain mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan mempercepat penyebaran populasi dengan mutu genetik, juga diharapkan akan dapat mengoptimalkan fungsi seekor pejantan (Melita, dkk 2014). Produksi optimun spermatozoa dari seekor pejantan dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor seperti bangsa, genetik, umur, bobot badan, pakan, lingkungan, lingkar skrotum dan berat testis. (1993) menyatakan bahwa perbaikan bobot badan mampu meningkatkan lingkar skrotum dan volume semen, sedangkan kualitas spermatozoa sangat ditentukan oleh ukuran testis. Perkembangan lingkar skrotum pada sapi berumur dewasa lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan umur muda dan tua (Hafez, 2004). Namun demikian hubungan umur dengan lingkar skrotum, berat testis dan konsentrasi spermatozoa belum tentu berlaku pada sapisapi yang hidup didaerah tropis. Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas peneliti telah melakukan suatu penelitian untuk mengkaji hubungan lingkar skrotum dengan berat testis dan konsentrasi spermatozoa sapi aceh pada berbagai umur

Analisis Data
Lingkar skrotum VS Berat Testis
Pejantan dan Frekuensi Ejakulasi terhadap Kualitas
Pemotongan Hewan Pesanggaran dan Mambal
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