
Canopies of `Fuji' apple trees, grafted on M.9 rootstock, planted in 1998 on two orchard sites at 2.8 × 0.7 m and trained as super spindles, were subdivided in Spring 2003 into upper and lower parts. In each part, the number of fruits, yield per tree, external (fruit size classes, and fruit coloring), and internal (total sugar content, titratable acid content, and flesh firmness) fruit quality attributes were determined. The orchard site parameters affected growth, yield, and fruit quality in different ways. The less suitable orchard site had less growth, lower yield per tree, and a lower percentage of first class fruits, but most fruits had good color (86% in top and 75% in lower part of canopy). The favorable orchard site produced higher growth and yield, and a higher percentage of first class fruits, but fruits had poorer color. In the lower part of the canopy, fruits were of a good size, but had poor color. Fruits of the best quality were obtained from the top part of the tree.

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