
Abstract Introduction Today in Vietnam, LGBT people face barriers in accessing healthcare services mainly due to the lack of reliable and friendly healthcare facilities. The limited knowledge about gender diversity makes it difficult for LGBT people to be accepted. The percentage of transgender people taking hormones without medical supervision is up to 70%. In order to help LGBT people avoid risks, get psychology counseling, and be able to treat physical problems, a hospital that specializes in andrology and sexual medicine opened an LGBT Health Clinic was established in June 2019. This was the first and only embedded clinic for LGBT people in a Vietnamese public hospital. Objective This study aimed to ascertain the salient characteristics of the clients who come to Binh Dan Hospital LGBT Health Clinic in the first 24 months of implementation. From these findings, there will be appropriate content and communication channels strategies for reaching local LGBT people. Methods One hundred fifty-eight clients were included in a cross-sectional descriptive study from June 2019 to June 2021. The data on demographic characteristics, how customers know about the clinic, and unmonitored gender-affirming hormone therapy (GHT) behavior are all noted. Results There are 50.6% transgender, 29.1% gay, 11.4% lesbian, 5.1% bisexual, and 3.8% heterosexual. The primary demand of 42.4% of transgender people is to receive advice and follow-up on transgender procedures. Hormonal users without medical supervision accounted for 32.5% and are associated with a low level of education (r=-0.348, p<0.01). The chief demand of 38% of the LGB group is check-up programs for gender-diverse and gender-non-conforming or counseling for family acceptance. LGB group knew about the clinic through mass media (48.61%) equivalent to word-of-mouth (51.39%), while the majority of transgender (65%) used word-of-mouth. While the majority of transgender (65%) used word-of-mouth, 51.39% of the LGB group knew about the clinic through word-of-mouth. Conclusions There are differences in demands and communication channels for approaching the transgender and LGB group. There is an inverse correlation between unmonitored GHT behavior and education level in transgender clients. Disclosure No

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