
Formal activities of the Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care and Social Welfare in the field on HTA at the national level began in October 2009 through the Department for Development, Research, and HTA. The aim of the Croatian HTA process and reporting is to produce credible and standardized information that is relevant and useful to decision makers in the Croatian publicly funded health care system and to meet their needs for reliable, consistent, timely, and relevant HTA information. Main barriers that slow the establishment of optimal and sustainable HTA processes, as well as facilitate factors (EU Projects EUnetHTA, EQUIPT, and SELFIE; HTA Network; ISPOR HTA Roundtable Europe, HTA Council, HTA Training Program; HTAi; WHO National Contact Point on HTA) will be discussed in brief. Croatia already recognized the utmost importance of international collaboration and joint HTA work through EUnetHTA (joint production of HTA reports, EUnetHTA tools and processes). For small countries like Croatia, European cooperation on HTA is essential due to limited human and financial resources. In light of alignment with Article 15 on Cooperation on HTA of Cross-Border Health Care Directive, HTA Network Strategy paper, HTA Network Reflection paper, and WHO Resolution - Health intervention and technology assessment in support of universal health coverage, it can be expected that the HTA process will soon become sustainable and mandatorily linked to reimbursement/investment or disinvestment decision in Croatia.

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