
The objective of the paper is to briefly highlight the history of the development of aerospace research of Earth in Ukraine and the contribution of domestic scientists to the study of natural resources by remote sensing methods. The paper was prepared in connection with the 30th anniversary of the State Institution "Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of Earth of IGN NAS of Ukraine''. The role of scientists of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the implementation of satellite imagery materials in solving current geological problems is shown. Owing to their scientific approaches it was possible to analyze the deep structure of the regions of Ukraine and build cosmogeological maps of different levels of generalization, create physical and mathematical models of heat and mass transfer processes of exploratory geothermal signal formation in the presence of mineral deposits, create the structuralgeological map of the Eastern Azov region, obtain new data on the structure and history of geological development of the Azov's Sea. Information on the organizational structure of the Scientific Center for Aerospace Research of the Earth and the achievements of the scientific team is provided. The analysis of the contribution to the development of aerospace research in Ukraine is made. Further prospects for the development of research in the field of remote sensing in Ukraine are considered. The strategy of research development lies in implementing the basic principles of the sustainable development of mankind defined by UN resolutions by providing three major components of life, namely - food, drinking water, and energy. The development of modern methods and technologies for the use of hyperspectral aerospace surveys and computer modeling of energy and mass transfer processes in the Earth's geospheres plays an important role in solving this problem. Finally, a list of selected publications of the staff of the Center is given.

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