
One out of five patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) will progress to an aggressive and largely untreatable form of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (post-MPN secondary AML, or sAML). Transformation is associated with acquisition of TP53 missense mutations in approximately 50% of cases, and markedly increased genetic and molecular heterogeneity. This makes it challenging to effectively eliminate all subpopulations of tumour cells, and likely underlies the mostly universal treatment failure in sAML. Characterizing the complex genetic and cellular hierarchies associated with TP53 transformation is crucial for the development of effective targeted therapies. To resolve these multiple layers of intratumoral heterogeneity, we recently developed TARGET-seq (Rodriguez-Meira et al, 2019), a single-cell multi-omic method that correlates genetic, transcriptional and cell-surface proteomic readouts from the same single cell with extremely high resolution. TARGET-seq analysis of over 7000 Lineage-CD34+ cells (indexed for CD38/90/45RA/123) from TP53-mutant sAML patients revealed striking patterns of clonal evolution in different immunophenotypically defined stem/progenitor cell types, and identified preleukemic and leukemic subclones with markedly distinct molecular signatures. Acquisition of TP53 mutations was invariably associated with highly complex clonal evolution, enrichment of cell-cycle associated transcription and downregulation of key stem cell regulators. Interestingly, preleukemic subclones from patients undergoing transformation were highly enriched in WNT-beta catenin signaling and depleted in DNA-repair genes, as compared to non-transformed MPN patients. This suggests that preleukemic clones could be primed for disease transformation, and could potentially be targeted to prevent disease progression. Ultimately, single-cell multi-omic analysis identified key molecular regulators of TP53 mediated transformation, providing unique insights into the evolution of these tumors and how they might be therapeutically targeted.

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