
In their celebrated essay, “Sur la disposition des feuilles curviseriées,” the brothers Bravais describe a cone of Pinus Pinaster (Pin maritime), where the lower part of the cone exhibited secondary spirals 7S, 12 D (series ), while towards the apex the arrangement, in consequence of the disappearance of one of the spirals by 12, changed to 7S, 11D (series ). They describe another cone of the same species, in which the lower four-fifths exhibited secondary spirals 9 S, 13 D (series ), changing at the upper fifth to 8S, 13 D (ordinary series ) by suppression of one of the spirals by 9. Such cases, along with some others chiefly in the capitula of Dipsacus sylvestris, lead these authors into a discussion of the general question of the possible transition from one discussion of the general question of the possible transition from one arrangement to another by change in the number of secondary spirals.

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