
A recent study says that organizations must change their human resource (HR) policies in order to adapt to Industry 4.0. This study focuses on the link between Industry 4.0 and three important HR practices: training and development, job design, and performance appraisal. All of these things have a direct effect on motivation in the workplace. It's a new way to look at the most innovative management techniques that encourage a culture of continuous improvement at work so that the company can keep up with industry 4.0 improvements and incorporate them. Human resources (HR) departments need to be proactive about using these new technologies and staying up to date on the skills they need. Employee training and development is a term for educational activities within a company that are meant to improve employees' knowledge and skills, as well as to teach them how to do certain tasks better. The content, responsibilities, goals, and relationships that are needed to meet the expectations of the role are all set by the job design. A well-designed job can encourage good behavior and give employees a solid foundation for success. It can also evaluate performance, which is an important part of keeping people motivated at work. HR's new job is to get employees more involved by making sure they have the best benefits, trusting their teams, working together, and being able to grow personally. All of these things build a strong case for a successful retention strategy. The study shows how important it is to use cutting-edge strategies for managing human resources at work.

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