
Resilient health systems should be able to both respond to sudden shocks and adapt to structural changes. Structural fragilities in the health systems of EU countries were present before the COVID-19 pandemic and the crisis has just exacerbated these weaknesses, along with creating acute response capacity shortages. It became clear that health systems were largely unprepared for a shock of this magnitude. In order to be better prepared and able to respond more effectively towards the next health emergency, it is important to have robust tools and methods to measure the level of resilience in health systems. The workshop will present a new concept to carry out resilience testing of health systems against potential future shocks and adverse scenarios based on the opinion of the European Commission's Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health. This will be followed by a discussion with experts on the practical development and implementation of this methodology.Format of the workshop: Pitch on the resilience testing concept by a member of the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in health (10 minutes)Responses by experts from three EU Member States and discussion (40 minutes)Concluding remarks by the OECD and the Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (10 minutes) Speakers/Panelists Heather L. Rogers Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute, Barakaldo, Spain Lenka Poliaková Health Insurance Supervision Department, Ministry of Health, Czechia Judith de Jong NIVEL, Utrecht, Netherlands Sabrina Montante National Institute of Health of Italy, Brussels Office, Brussels, Belgium Gaetan Lafortune OECD, Paris, France

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