
1. Establishment of definition of early cancer in the large intestine, by which minor surgery (wedge resection or polypectomy) is available and allowed, is desirable, because of severe postoperative dysfunction of urination and colostomy after Miles operation, which is generally used for rectal cancer.2. Five year survival rate of early cancer in the large intestine should be higher than 90-95% and its frequency in all cases be approximately 10%.3. Definition of early cancer in the large intestine should be stricter than that in the stomach.4. Definition of early cancer should be determined by the findings which can he clearly detected preoperatively.5. Early cancer in the large intestine should be smaller than 1cm. in diameter and more shallow than submucosal layer in the deepest invaded layer of the wall.6. It is to be desired that definition of early cancer in the large intestine has the same scale as that in the early stomach cancer.

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