
The mechanism by which β3 receptor agonists (e.g. mirabegron) control bladder overactivity may involve adenosine release from human and rat detrusor smooth muscle. Retrograde activation of adenosine A1 receptors reduces ACh release from cholinergic bladder nerves. β3 -Adrenoceptors usually couple to adenylyl cyclase. Here we investigated, which of the cAMP targets, protein kinase A or the exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) could be involved in this cholinergic inhibition of the bladder. [3 H]ACh and adenosine release from urothelium-denuded detrusor strips of cadaveric human organ donors and rats were measured by liquid scintillation spectrometry and HPLC, respectively. In vivo cystometry was also performed in urethane-anaesthetized rats. The exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) inhibitor, ESI-09, prevented mirabegron- and isoprenaline-induced adenosine release from human and rat detrusor strips respectively. ESI-09, but not the PKA inhibitor, H-89, attenuated inhibition of [3 H]ACh release from stimulated (10 Hz) detrusor strips caused by activating β3 -adrenoceptors, AC (forskolin) and EPAC1 (8-CTP-2Me-cAMP). Isoprenaline-induced inhibition of [3 H]ACh release was also prevented by inhibitors of PKC (chelerythrine and Go6976) and of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1; dipyridamole and NBTI), but not by PLC inhibition with U73122. Pretreatment with ESI-09, but not with H-89, prevented the reduction of the voiding frequency caused by isoprenaline and forskolin in vivo. Data suggest that β3 -adrenoceptor-induced inhibition of cholinergic neurotransmission in human and rat urinary bladders involves activation of an EPAC1/PKC pathway downstream cAMP production resulting in adenosine outflow via ENT1.

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