
A set of 2D time dependent simulations of an imploding cylindrical target and liner is presented. These simulations were performed using an ideal magnetohydrodynamic methodology that augmented the energy equation to account for fusion alpha particle deposition, thermal conduction, and Bremsstrahlung radiation. A reference case of a deuterium and tritium (DT) target compressed by a multilayer liner consisting of an inner layer of DT and an outer layer of argon was evaluated. The reference case was chosen to be within the region of positive fusion heating predicted by the Lindl–Widner power balance model. Analysis of the reference case determined fusion gains of three or greater can be achieved. A sensitivity analysis of four parameters was performed. These parameters were the target: radius, density, temperature, and inner/outer liner thickness ratio. It was found that the Lindl–Widner parameter space accurately predicts regions of positive fusion heating, but over-predicts the effects of mechanical work done by a plasma liner. It was determined that a plasma liner could be used as a confinement mechanism to contain a thermally conditioned target and allow it to ignite and burn. Thermal conduction from the hot fusing target was capable of heating the inner liner layer to fusion ignition conditions and increasing the fusion yield.

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