
Organic electronics, such as OLEDs, OPVs, and polymer based power storage units (batteries and capacitors) are rapidly becoming low-cost viable alternatives to silicon-based devices. These organic devices however, are still reliant on the support functions of standard silicon components such as power and logic transistors. Integration of these organic devices with standard silicon electronics into a combined heterogeneous system requires specific design and fabrication considerations. Full-scale integration with conventional silicon based electronic components is challenging due to their incompatibility with common semiconductor fabrication process that can damage the active organic compounds. The printable/spray/spin nature of organic electronics fabrication makes 3D integration an attractive methodology. We propose to combine the organic and inorganic portions of a heterogeneous system by fabricating the modules separately (hence enabling parallel manufacturing) in a specific 2D layout scheme, and subsequently connecting the devices together in a post fabrication process. In this paper we discuss the 2D designs in detail and propose a 2D-3D hybrid design as well as a fully 3D stacked design for organic electronics with energy storage devices in a face-to-back configuration. The fabrication process of each device and the integration of OPVs and OLEDs with power storage devices are discussed. An overview of test procedure and fault tolerances for the proposed configuration is provided. Finally, a potential solution for a new test environment derived from a mixed configuration of different technologies and materials is proposed.

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