
Benzo[c]cinnoline (BCC) molecules were electrochemically grafted onto a glassy carbon (GC) surface in nonaqueous media, and the modified surface was characterized using cyclic voltammetry (CV) with redox probes. Blockage of the electron transfer on the modified surface was observed using redox probes. Electrocatalytic effect of 2BCC modified GC (2BCC-GC) electrode surface towards to the electrochemical reduction of dioxygen was also investigated. A mechanistic scheme for the electrochemical catalysis was proposed. To clarify the mechanism of the dioxygen reduction, a less basic film of 2-benzo[c]cinnoline 6-oxide (2BCCNO) molecules was also prepared at the glassy carbon surface. The effect of electrochemical catalysis of dioxygen reduction at the 2BCC-GC surface was compared to that at the 2BCCNO-GC surface.

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