
Abstract Butyrate (UltraMix GF; Adisseo) is known to enhance ruminal papillae development for transitioning calves to dry feed. The hypothesis was that butyrate would be beneficial to neonatal calf growth performance. Eighty 2- to 5-d old Holstein bull calves were assigned to one of 2 treatments using a randomized complete block design. Treatments were: 1) control: no butyrate; or 2) butyrate: 0.3% butyrate added to milk replacer (MR). Calves were fed 2x/d at 0630 and 1800 h along with free choice water and a 22% CP mini-pelleted calf starter (CS). The MR was fed at 0.567 kg/d for d 1–14, then increased to 0.85 kg/d for d 15–42, and feeding reduced to 1x/d for d 42–49 with weaning occurring after the 49-d experimental period. Calves fed butyrate demonstrated greater (P < 0.04) ending body weight (BW; 54.7 and 56.2 kg, for control and butyrate, respectively), BW gain (29.0 and 31.7 kg), and average daily gains (ADG; 591.3 and 647.7 g/d), compared with calves fed control. Dry matter intake (DMI) was similar (P > 0.10) for both treatments, but the number of d required for calves to consume 0.9 kg CS for 3 consecutive days (47.3 and 45.7 d) was lower (P < 0.05) for calves fed butyrate compared with calves fed control. Feed conversions were improved (P < 0.05) for calves fed butyrate (0.53 and 0.58 kg/kg) compared with calves fed control. At the end of the 49-d study, withers height tended (P < 0.10) to be greater for calves fed butyrate (85.2 and 86.0 cm) compared with calves fed control, while the remaining frame measurements (hip height, hip width, body length, and heart girth) and fecal scores were similar (P > 0.10) for calves fed both treatments. Feeding neonatal calves butyrate in the MR improved growth performance and reduced the days to transition calves to CS.

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