
Article 46.1 of the Shenzhen Code (Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2018) states “In publications, […] it may be desirable […] to cite the author(s) of the name concerned […]. In so doing, the following rules apply.” One could argue that this statement is not much more than a Recommendation, because in general there are no adverse consequences under the Shenzhen Code for an incorrect author citation. However, Art. 46.1 does not mention the rules for which the determination of the correct author is critical. For example, Art. 41.5 states that a full and direct reference to the author is required to validly publish a new combination, name at new rank or replacement name. The determination of the correct author impacts what the original material for a name would be, which in turn will affect its typification. The wrong authorship could also mistakenly imply valid publication in the wrong place, thereby impacting priority and possibly homonymy with another name. Homonyms are distinguished by their different authorship. Because Art. 46.1 informs readers of the purpose of Art. 46, these important rules should be mentioned. “46.1. The determination of the author(s) of a name and its publication is critical for application of certain rules in this Code; see, e.g., Art. 9.4 (original material), 11 (priority), 41.5 (requiring a full and direct reference to the author of a basionym or replaced synonym to publish a new combination, name at new rank, or replacement name), and 53 (homonyms). In publications, particularly those dealing with taxonomy and nomenclature, it may be desirable, even when no bibliographic reference to the protologue is made, to cite the author(s) of the name concerned (see also Art. 22.1 and 26.1). In so doing For these purposes, the following rules in Art. 46–50 apply (see also Art. 22.1 and 26.1).” We thank Nicholas J. Turland and John H. Wiersema for their helpful revisions and noting other rules for which Art. 46 is important.

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