
Abstract Introduction The general objective of this Rights, Sex & Education MOOC, composed of 6 to 8 units, is inviting our learners and empowering them to act autonomously in their interventions in sexual health, by ensuring that their speeches, behavior and attitudes will follow and respect human rights values. In this context, learners are not only (medical) health professionals but rather engaged citizens. Objective To advance knowledge and practice in the priority area of human rights in relation to sexual health. This includes a variety of aspirations: ➢ the protection of young people from sexual violence, ➢ the fight against gender inequality, incest, sexual mutilation, sexual exploitation, ➢ the fight against sexist and homophobic prejudices. Methods The modules and sub-modules are combination of several formats: animated videos, podcasts, video interviews, infographics, cartoons, and evaluation, pedagogical and post-evaluation quizzes. This variation of formats allows us to keep learners engaged. This MOOC is also part of a Blended-learning approach. Therefore, we worked on animating throughout the opening sessions of the MOOC private groups on social networks, where learners discussed and exchanged material regularly. Our aim is the creation of a horizontal learning dimension as well as a group entity. Results This MOOC is a training tool designed at its core to be adapted and carried worldwide. Its first French version, in 2021, has been created with formats easily adaptable to the contexts and contents that will be imagined and redrawn in an English version. With a satisfaction rate of 93%, 4500 subscribers and more than 600 certifications. Conclusions We used the international format of a MOOC to fulfill the role that UNESCO chair plays in promotion of sexual health and human rights. Our ambition is to become an international reference in the field of sexual health and human rights. To take this project to the international level by consulting experts from each region in order to add and enrich this MOOC with information needed and adapted to each population and ecosystem and to respond to concerns raised by the context in which the region or the target population lives. Therefore UNESCO Chair Sexual health and Human rights created a network UNITWIN “EducationS and health for human sustainable development”. Disclosure No

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