
Background Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an aerobic Gram-negative bacterium that causes life-threatening acute and chronic infections in humans. Genotypic mutations and phenotypic variations are key features of its antimicrobial resistance and adaptation to the host environment. Pyoverdine associated genes and divergent receptors play a key role in acute Pseudomonas infections. This study seeks to address the heterogeneity of ferrichrome-iron receptor (fpvA) expression, its effect on pathogenicity and its propensity to cause acute infections clinically. Genetic and phenotypic variation of a clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa (PA097 and PA115) were identified by complete genome sequencing method.MethodsAn IRB-approved prospective study collected 38 P. aeruginosa clinical isolates and stored at Carilion Medical Center. Two genetically unrelated clinical strains were selected from tracheal aspirates: PA097 and PA115. These isolates were characterized by pyoverdine (pvd) quantification in planktonic culture filtrate at OD405 nm. Multiplex PCR was carried out using primers for fpvA receptors. Quantification of iron acquisition was done on chrome azurol S (CAS) agar. Genomes for PA115 and PA097 were sequenced by Illumina Next-generation DNA sequencing.ResultsGenome assembly shows a 6.3 Mb genome size in PA115 with G+C content of 66.4%. Seven insertion sequence elements were located. We found a 101 kb locus for pvD and a highly diversified fpvA associated with an insertional element (IS3). PA115, exhibits rich green pigment of pvd followed by PAO1 and PA097 in LB media (Figure 1A) and also in Planktonic culture filtrate (Fig 1B) for quantitative estimation of pvd (Figure 1C). On CAS agar, PA115 showed high uptake of iron by orange pigment compared with lower pigmentation in PAO1 and PA097 (Fig 1D). We confirmed the ferrichrome-iron receptor as fpvAIIb in PA115 by Multiplex PCR seen in sequencing of PA115 (Figure 2).ConclusionWe found high genetic and phenotypic variation in clinical isolate of P. aeruginosa (PA115) from an acute pneumonia patient. The novel IS element found in its receptor gene locus suggests an increased role in pvd expression and iron uptake from the host. Increased pvd expression and diversified fpvAIIb association with an IS3 element may indicate higher virulence in the PA115 strain. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.

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