
Abstract Recent communications with livestock industry employers suggest that students seem to be prepared to publicly deliver scientific information to peers, but struggle to present comprehensible science-based information to lay audiences. Based on this premise, a producer education presentation at local Extension offices was incorporated into the Beef Cattle Science Course. The course has four core areas (health, nutrition, reproduction and genetics) with supporting instructors from meat science, forages, agricultural economics and biosystems/agricultural engineering. Students are presented a case study in each of the four focus areas and are required to submit a written report addressing the issues in the case study. At midterm, students are divided into groups of four or five and assigned to a local county. Students are required to contact the county agent and develop an educational program, with one student presenting on each of the core areas, with environmental stewardship as a fifth option. Each student must first prepare an outline and send it to the corresponding faculty member for feedback prior to developing a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation. Each student is required to deliver their presentation to instructors to receive feedback prior to the Extension meeting. Each student group must develop a promotional flyer for the agent’s use. The producer educational programs are delivered in the evening to 15–50 producers, followed by audience questions. Additionally, students are tasked with developing, administering and summarizing an assessment tool. On the last day of class we have an informal discussion of this experience. For the five years that we have incorporated this into the course, the consensus is that students initially hate the concept but love the experience and appreciate the value after presenting. Agent and producer feedback have been positive.

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