
Abstract Background and Aims AVE is a multicenter observational study aimed at evaluating the improvements in dialysis efficiency, AVF longevity and mortality that can be achieved by implementing both monitoring by a multidisciplinary team. The universal goal of AV monitoring is to identify early events such as stenosis and intervene before thrombosis, thus maximizing the longevity of access and minimizing morbidity. Method This study takes advantage of the opportunity to use data from 19 hemodialysis centers and approximately 1000 patients and to correlate and examine variables that are commonly reported with each treatment, trends in AV use, trends in patient characteristics, and the practice associated with VA. The data were collected by nurses in a specific section of the management database at each treatment for 5 years. Results Trends at the beginning and at the end of the study were evaluated, and Kaplan Maier curves were performed regarding the survival of the VA and the survival of the patients. The average age of 1000 patients enrolled was 73.5 years. Native AVF was used by 79%, AVG by 2% and CVC by 19%. With increasing age, the use of CVC goes from 6% (15-39 years) to 50.5% in patients over 85 years old. The most frequent complications were: Thrombosis 16.5%, Infections 5.5%. VA-related hospitalization days are 28.7% of total days. The average dialysis goals achieved were: QB 290 ml/Min; purified blood 69.7 L; KT/V:1.35. The AVE study, the survival curves evaluated in aggregate were not different between men and women during the observation period (year 2018: p = 0.327; year 2019: p = 0.174; year 2020: p = 0.343). This finding was also confirmed when the survival data were analyzed according to gender and chronological age. No difference was observed between genders while the significant difference (p = 0.000) between chronological age levels was confirmed as shown in the Figure Conclusion By interpreting data collection for specific performance measures using accurate reports, healthcare professionals can highlight AV performance/inefficiencies and provide correct information to clinical staff to support them in their daily clinical practice and decision making.

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