
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) is the main urinary end-stage metabolite of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Its con- centration can be elevated in some cases of cancer, but also after other stress stimuli. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of high intensity physical training (HIPT) and acute exercise on urinary VMA concentration and metabolic aspects related to glucose metabolism in animal model. Wistar rats underwent four sets of 10 jumps/day supporting a load equivalent to 50% of body weight, in a water tank for six weeks. A control group was kept in sedentary condition during the same period of time. After six weeks, sedentary and trained animals underwent an exercise session with the same characteristics of HIPT. Acute high intensity effort did not change 24-hour urinary VMA concentration in both trained and untrained rats. Both groups increased glycaemia and lactacidaemia while serum insulin reduced. Acute exercise elevated free fatty acid concentration and decreased gastrocnemius muscle glycogen content in sedentary animals. It was concluded that high intensity physical training and acute exercise interfere on glucose metabolism profile without change 24-h VMA.

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