
According to shamanist myths in the Korean mainland and Cheju Island, the creation God creates order out of chaos in natural phenomena and human affairs. He separated the sky and the earth, split the sun and moon to create stars, and separated living spirits from ghosts and let them live in the present world and the other world. This chapter narrates a myth where Gods protect a village. Imperial Kŭmsang's wife, who protected Sujin Cove, heard that some new Gods had assumed their places in upper Sŏgwi, and she went to find and greet them. 'What kind of Gods are you?' asked Kŭmsang's wife. 'We are Ilmungwan and Chi Sanguk', replied Ilmungwan and Chi Sanguk. 'What for did you come here?' asked Kŭmsang's wife. 'We came to rule the people of upper and lower Sŏgwi', replied Ilmungwan and Chi Sanguk.Keywords: Chi Sanguk; Ilmungwan; Imperial Kŭmsang's wife; lower Sŏgwi; shamanist myths; upper Sŏgwi; village protecting gods

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