
The 1α-hydroxylated metabolite of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3, is the biologically most active metabolite of vitamin D. The 24-hydroxylated metabolites were generally considered as degradation products of a catabolic pathway finally leading to excretion of calcitroic acid. Studies with analogues fluorinated at the C-24 position did not indicate a physiological function for 24R,25(OH) 2D 3. Nevertheless throughout the years various studies showed biologic effects of other metabolites than 1α,25(OH) 2D 3. In particular the metabolite 24R,25(OH) 2D 3 has been functionally analyzed, e.g. with respect to a role in normal chicken egg hatchability and effects on chondrocytes in the resting zone of cartilage. Numerous studies have shown the presence of the vitamin D receptor in bone cells and effects of 1α,25(OH) 2D 3 on bone and bone cells. Also for 24R,25(OH) 2D 3 studies have been performed focusing on effects on bone and bone cells. The purpose of this review is to summarize the data regarding 24R,25(OH) 2D 3 and bone and to evaluate its role in bone biology.

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