
[159497-37-7] C14H20N2 (MW 216.32) InChI = 1S/C14H20N2/c1-15-8-4-7-14(15)11-16-9-12-5-2-3-6-13(12)10-16/h2-3,5-6,14H,4,7-11H2,1H3/t14-/m0/s1 InChIKey = MKFAAQPMZNXLET-AWEZNQCLSA-N (reagent used as a chiral ligand for enantioselective acylations, Mukaiyama aldol reactions, and rearrangement of allylic imidates) Physical Data: bp 98–99 °C (0.08 mm Hg); [α]D28 = −76.5 (c 1.3, EtOH).1 Solubility: soluble in most organic solvents and dilute acids. Preparative Methods: can be prepared by DCC coupling of N-Boc-(S)-proline and isoindoline followed by LAH reduction.2 Purification: bulb-to-bulb distillation at 1 mm Hg, 60–150 °C.

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