
Abstract Background Inter-Professional Collaboration (IPC) has gained prominence for current and future community-based dementia services, as they transition to integrated care. IPC aims to improve patient outcomes by coordinating care across multiple Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) and facilitating informed decision-making. This scoping review examined the nature and extent of evidence on IPC for People with Dementia (PwD) in community settings. Methods The methodology process was guided by the PRISMA-ScR checklist, which aligned with the research question. This involved reviewing eligibility criteria and information sources, establishing a search strategy using PICO, removing duplicates using EndNote, and screening articles in Rayann. The selected articles were then charted in a PRISMA flow chart, critically appraised using CCAT, and synthesised into a data extraction table to complete the process. After screening and evaluation, 15 articles were selected for the scoping review from an initial pool of 1,584 articles. Results Findings were grouped into two main themes: (1) IPC in Community Dementia Care: significance, team building, challenges and opportunities, the role of interprofessional education (IPE) and (2) Community Care Networks: barriers to implementing IPC and region-specific care models and guidelines. Conclusion The scoping review found that IPC in the community can provide high-quality care for PWD, resulting in earlier detection, disease management, and continuity of care. These benefits, however, are contingent upon effective communication, interprofessional coordination and local and national resources. Furthermore, a universal lack of standardised training for HCPs was identified as a key challenge in this. The review also discussed specific roles of IPC teams in dementia care, such as utilising other members of the team to address the shortage of physicians.

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