
The sixty-second annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) took place at the Les Dunes d’Or Conference Centre in Agadir, Morocco, on 21-25 June. Three new members joined the commission in the previous year, bringing the total to eighty-eight. Since the annual meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, in 2007, significant levels of intersessional activity, representing an enormous amount of time and resources by all members of the commission, has been expended on discussions pertaining to the ‘future of the IWC.’ This work was furthered in 2009 with the so-called ‘consensus resolution,’ in which the members agreed to intensify efforts to resolve the IWC’s problems. However, 2010 proved to be similar to the years before it, except, this time, there was no consensus resolution reflecting a way forward. The commission agreed that while it was very close to agreement on a number of issues within the proposed consensus decision, there remain...

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