
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a metabolic disease characterized by excessive fat deposition in hepatocytes in the absence of significant alcohol intake. We decided to evaluate the effects on NAFLD of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) consumption and the role that nitro-fatty acids (NO2-FA) present or formed during digestion in EVOO may have. We postulate that NO2-FA, due to its well-characterized pleiotropic anti-inflammatory properties, could spare mitochondria form the deleterious effects of high fat diet (HFD), contributing to the health benefits associated with EVOO consumption. Accordingly, we analyzed liver mitochondrial function in mice fed with HFD and supplemented with 10% EVOO (w/w) in the absence or presence of nitrite. We have been demonstrated that gastric conditions i.e EVOO plus nitrite at acidic pH favor NO2-FA formation (PLOS One 2014). HFD mice supplemented with EVOO plus nitrite exhibited lower increase in body weight than HFD controls or even animals under normal diet, in addition to a decreased accumulation of fat liver. Liver mitochondrial function was studied by high resolution respirometry. The HFD mice group supplemented with EVOO plus nitrite showed the best mitochondrial respiratory control ratio (RCR). When looking for electron transport respiratory chain complexes activities, complexes II and V were significantly improved by EVOO supplementation and even better in the presence of nitrite. As part of the antioxidant/anti-inflammatory actions of NO2-FA, liver hemoxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression increased in the EVOO/nitrite condition. Plasma NO2-FA levels were lower in the condition of HFD when compared to normal diet while increased in the HFD plus EVOO/nitrite condition suggesting an association between NO2-FA formation by EVOO and the observed improvement of mitochondrial function.

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