
Home gardening is a popular year-round recreational activity in Hawaii that helps to increase community food security in suburban and rural communities where high levels of poverty and unemployment exist. Updated fertilizer recommendations and accurate information about the latest products allows home gardeners to improve crop growth, and to minimize nutrient imbalances in the soil, pest problems, and environmental risks from nutrient runoff or leaching. Two field experiments were conducted in Oahu, Hawaii, to evaluate several new products in the market for the production of two home-garden Chinese cabbage varieties. The treatments included Miracle Grow, a new Miracle Grow Plus formulation, Plant Power 2003 nutrient solution, a Maui Liquid Compost product, and a standard fertilizer control (150 kg·ha-1 N rate). Each treatment consisted of a 6-m long row with 30-cm plant spacing in the row. Each treatment was replicated four times in a completely randomized block design, for a total of 40 plots (two varieties × five treatments × four replications). Data collected included soil fertility before initiation and after experiment completion, tissue nutrient analysis, plant height collected twice during the growing cycle, and head weight and length measured at harvest time. The variety Pagoda was more responsive to fertilizer applications, showing an average of 30% yield increases between the best and poorest treatment, compared to 20% for `China Express'. Overall, the Miracle Grow formulations outperformed the other products. The tissue nutrient data showed tissue nutrient levels above those recommended by the Extension Service. The treatments with highest yield response also showed greater symptoms of “black heart” from possible boron deficiency.

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