
This chapter aims to examine the current challenges in electronic waste (E-waste) management in a new EU Member State like Romania. The chapter analyzes the route from unsound disposal practices (e.g., illegal dumping) toward sustainable practices of E-waste under EU targets and objectives. This E-waste stream is toxic for the environment and public health, thus, proper collection, treatment, and recycling facilities are required. The waste management infrastructure must be completed by a comprehensive E-waste statistic database, reliable monitoring, and law enforcement activities. The chapter reveals the current gaps in E-waste management activities in Romania while highlighting the best practices in this sector. The chapter identifies the specific pathways for sustainable practices associated with electronic waste management. The role of different actors involved in E-waste flows is examined such as public institutions, private sector, NGOs or local community. This emerging E-waste stream has a high recycling and recovery potential which could further support a circular economy in Romania.

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