
The intent of this project was to show the public (all ages) what actually happens following an alcohol-related crash, including police, fire department, emergency services interventions, and media coverage of the crash. The purpose of the crash simulation was to raise awareness about drinking and driving to decrease mortality rates. The program was developed by the local ENA Chapter, EMS, Fire Department, and Sheriff's Department of Hamilton County, Tennessee. Advertisements promoting the event were placed on television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet. A public parking lot was used as the crash scene. A severely damaged vehicle was donated by a local wrecker company. The scenario was that this car had crashed on the way home from prom night and that the driver had been drinking and driving. The crash 'victims' were played by an ENA member's son and his friend. Wounds were simulated using moulage makeup. Bystanders were able to hear simulated 911 calls contacting police, EMS, and the fire department. Victims were removed from the vehicle using the jaws-of-life. One was transported away by EMS, the second pronounced dead and placed in a body bag. After the simulation, bystanders (target audience) were interviewed by television news reporters to assess their reaction to the consequences of drinking and driving. These interviews were aired on the local nightly news. While bystanders did not fill out program evaluations, those interviewed stated that they would not drink and drive (100%). Actual family members that were interviewed were overwhelmed with sadness at seeing their loved ones in body bags. Numerous schools have since requested the program be given before prom to their students as well. It has since been decided to switch the target audience from the public to such captive audiences. Alcohol awareness is relevant to all injury prevention providers.

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