
Abstract Introduction Pregnancy and childbirth bring biological, psychological, and social changes which may influence women's health. Objective Second degree tears are the most common type of tear. A female urethral stricture is a less common condition. Buccal mucosa graft (BMG) is widely used tissue for urethral stricture repair. Methods We present a 38-year old female who suffered a 9-year long history of urethral stricture disease and dyspareunia after two vaginal child births. The patient (pt) had urethral injury and 2nd degree tear in vaginal wall and pelvic muscle. Despite repeated attempts of urethral dilations, the stricture and the obstructive complaints persisted. Additionally, lack of sexual arousal and painful intercourses, affected the patient’s quality of life. The pt was treated with a dorsal onlay urethroplasty using a buccal mucosa graft, excision of vaginal wall scar, pelvic floor muscle repair, and repair of vaginal opening The surgery was carried out with a suprameatal approach. A semicircular incision was performed and the urethra was dissected from the ventral aspect of the clitoris with a sharp and blunt dissection up to the proximal part of stricture. Then, a dorsal sagittal incision is performed over the stricture and the BMG is sutured dorsally for the edges and quilted with 4.0 polyglactin sutures. A 16Fr Foley catheter was left in place for two weeks. Then, we performed hydrodissection of posterior vaginal wall, scar excision from episiotomy and 2nd degree tear, approximation of levator ani muscle, vaginal wall and opening repair. Results Two weeks after surgery the patient urinates without strain and with no post voiding residual urine. Uroflow 6 weeks after surgery showed Qmax of 28ml/sec and urethra was easily passable for 20Fr Nelaton catheter. Eight weeks after surgery the patient reported having a normal sexual life without pain and lack of sexual satisfaction Conclusions Female dorsal onlay urethroplasty and vaginal wall tear repair are feasible and give great functional and aesthetical results Disclosure No

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