
dipterous species from Galicia (NW Spain) (Insecta: Diptera) - With the aim of improving the dipterological knowledge of Spain, the results obtained after the study of abundant material collected in Galicia are presented. A total of 212 species, belonging to 44 families, have been identified, highlighting ten species of them: 8 for being the first record for the Iberian Peninsula (Sylvicola zetterstedti (Anisopodidae), Liponeura matris (Blephariceridae), Dixa nebulosa and D. obsoleta (Dixidae), Beris geniculata (Stratiomyidae), Platycheirus podagratus (Syrphidae), Suillia flavifrons (Heleomyzi- dae) and Geomyza martineki (Opomyzidae)), and 2 for being the first record for Spain (Leopoldius coronatus (Conopidae) and Diastata costata (Diastatidae)). Furthermore, 13 families, 48 genera and 84 species are recorded for the first time from Galicia.

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