
Different patient populations and different criteria for efficacy can dramatically affect the perceived benefits of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation (AF). We defined three endpoints for recurrence of AF post ablation in a cohort of 200 patients with symptomatic AF, refractory to antiarrhythmic drug (AADs). Group 1 was considered to have a recurrence with any symptomatic or documented recurrence with no blanking period, and off their AADs, group 2 with only documented recurrence after blanking period, either on or off their AADs, and group 3 were similar to group 2, with allowing 1 redo ablation or 1 DC Cardioversion. We also surveyed 50 patients on the waiting list for an AF ablation and asked them key questions regarding what they would consider to be a successful result for them (see table).Tabled 1QUESTIONYes, (%)No, (%)High burden versus low burden AF. (High: ≥weekly, Low <weekly)26 (52)24 (48)Would you consider having just one or two recurrences a good outcome?38 (76)12 (24)Would you be accepting one repeat procedure or one DCCV?35 (70)15 (30)Would you consider having half the amount of AF you previously had as a Successful procedure/good outcome?35 (70)15 (30)Would you expect to be completely off AADs?34 (68)16 (32) Open table in a new tab Freedom from recurrence of atrial tachyarrhythmias at one year was 62% for group1, 87% for group 2, and 90% for group 3, and at five years was 62%, 73%, and 80% for Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. There were statistically significant differences between the Hazard Ratio for the pairwise comparison between the different criteria groups (p<0.01). In this study the most important predictor of AF recurrence following ablation was the criteria used to define recurrence (follow-up duration, using blanking period, and AADs). The majority of patients still considered AF ablation a successful treatment if they had up to two recurrences of AF, one repeat procedure or one DCCV.

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