
Today, history at universities is in crisis, but public history outside of academic history becomes increasingly important and prosperous. Public history does not make history an exclusive property of historians, but pursues history of the public, by the public, for the public. Those who carries out public history as a profession realize their identity as historians rather than as scholarly historians. With the end of the Gutenberg Galaxy, public historians enjoy their heyday thanks to Internet, which is in turn flooded with fake histories. In the post-truth era, the importance of historical studies seeking the truth of the past has been more emphasized, but the role of historians communicating with the public also needs to be strengthened.BR Academic history in Korea was established on the basis of the three-division system of National history-Eastern history-Western history, formulated by Japanese historians of the Meiji period. Based on this three-division system, the Korean system of history research and education was established, and the curriculum and faculty of the history department were formed at universities. However, in order to respond to the civilizational turn and the rise of Korea’s global status in the 21st century, it is necessary to dismantle the three-division system and attempt to reconstruct history from the perspective of global civilization history. As the Anthropocene mass extinction crisis becomes more and more an immediate reality due to global warming, it is also suggested that the goal of history should shift from modernization to ecologicalization. In order to achieve such a transition of civilization, more Big historians are required to contribute to broadening the horizon of historical cognition to the earth and the universe.

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