
<dm:abstracts xmlns:dm="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/dm/dtd"><ce:abstract xmlns:ce="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/dtd" id="abs0005" class="author-highlights" view="all"><ce:section-title id="sect0005">Highlights</ce:section-title><ce:abstract-sec id="abst0005" view="all"><ce:simple-para id="spar0005" view="all"><ce:list id="lis0005"><ce:list-item id="lsti0005"><ce:label>•</ce:label><ce:para id="par0005" view="all">A paradoxical phenomenon of hair growth by valproic acid is identified in studies.</ce:para></ce:list-item><ce:list-item id="lsti0010"><ce:label>•</ce:label><ce:para id="par0010" view="all">Valproic causes alopecia.</ce:para></ce:list-item><ce:list-item id="lsti0015"><ce:label>•</ce:label><ce:para id="par0015" view="all">Valproic acid also can cause hair growth.</ce:para></ce:list-item></ce:list></ce:simple-para></ce:abstract-sec></ce:abstract><ce:abstract xmlns:ce="http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/dtd" id="abs0010" view="all" class="author"><ce:section-title id="sect0010">Abstract</ce:section-title><ce:abstract-sec id="abst0010" view="all"><ce:simple-para id="spar0010" view="all">Valproic acid is being used as the first line of treatment for multiple types of seizures disorders, also as a mood stabilizer in patients with bipolar affective disorder and also in other psychiatric disorders. Although having a well-being effect in above mention conditions valproic acid also cause significant side effects liketremor, weight gain, hair loss, and gastrointestinal disturbances, heartburn, liver dysfunction, and thrombocytopenia etc. Hair loss is the well-known side effect of valproic acid. Hair loss induced by valproate(anexample of telogen effluvium)is diffused, non-scarring and dose dependent. But recent studies also have shown that this valproic acid can also show paradoxical phenomenawhen it is administered topically i.e. “valproicacid-induced hair growth”. Here we are putting these both psychopharmacological aspects of the valproate together with emphasis on newly known paradoxical phenomena that can be utilized as a treatment option for valproate-induced alopecia.</ce:simple-para></ce:abstract-sec></ce:abstract></dm:abstracts>

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