
I am hugely delighted and excited to be writing this preface to the Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Defence Technology (ICDT). This is the third ICDT, following on from the very successful ICDTs held in 2018 and 2020. The ICDTs are intended to take place at intervals of approximately 18 months. The 2022 ICDT is co-chaired by Professor Changgen Feng and myself and supported by the Editorial Office of Defence Technology.The ICDT provides an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and others to report, share and discuss current research and advances in defence technology and their visions for the future. The symposium allows exposure to the most current state-of-the-art technology in defence science, provides opportunities for interactions with some of the world’s leading experts in the field of defence science, and offers the chance to present, exhibit, and share scientific research and development with an international group of professionals.A wide range of papers is encouraged at the ICDT, from work in progress through to high quality scientific papers. These 535 papers comprise an extensive range of defence science and technology areas covered by the symposium: Advanced Simulation, Energetic Materials, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Photoelectric Information Technology, Impact Dynamics (Explosion, Impact & Protection), Directed Energy & Hypersonic Technology, Advanced Launch Technology, Autonomous Control Technology, Ballistics & Applications.This is the third ICDT Proceedings to be published by IOP Publishing Ltd as an open access volume of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (the 2020 ICDT Proceedings were published in 2 parts). The Proceedings were enabled by the good cooperation between the ICDT and Defence Technology journal, which is published by KeAi Publishing Communications Ltd. I would like to thank the Editors and the Editorial Office for their dedicated, hard and expeditious work in producing this issue. I also thank the technical reviewers of the papers contained in these Proceedings and the sponsors of the ICDT who have helped to make the ICDT possible.I hope you will find these Proceedings stimulating and very interesting. ICDT provides an opportunity to develop an understanding of the entire realm of defence science and technology outside of the reader’s specialist area. I therefore highly commend these Proceedings to you.Clive Woodley, 2022 ICDT co-chair.London, UK.List of committees are available in this Pdf.

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