
Call to Order Chair John Bosso (South Carolina-MUSC) called the Council of Faculties (COF) Business Meeting to order at 1:30 pm in the Lone Star Ballrooms A/B, Second Floor, Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX, Monday, July 11, 2011. Introductions and Comments Chair Bosso began by welcoming everyone and introducing himself. Vincent Lau, new AACP Chief Science Officer (CSO) introduced himself and thanked AACP staff Rosalie Sagraves and former AACP staff Ken Miller for their previous work in the area of Research and Graduate Affairs. In his capacity as CSO he will guide the development of programs in the areas of Research and Graduate Affairs for all disciplines--his charge is very broad. He noted that the major threat to the academy is lack of resources--human and fiscal. How do we meet this challenge and maintain high quality? His theme is reach up--to help us achieve our potential. He wants to develop a portal system to increase networking among members and sharing of ideas. Networking may help new faculty to be more successful. He would like to develop a cadre of mentors to facilitate the networking. The network could become international in scope. He would also like to create a research fellowship for faculty. Chair Report Chair Bosso noted that his report is really the reports of the committees--their work reflects the goals and objectives that he set forth at the beginning of his term. Quorum Committee Report (Margarita DiVall--Northeastern, Alok Bhushan--Idaho State, Steve Cutler--Mississippi, and Sue Winkler--Midwestern-Chicago.) Quorum committee reported a quorum at 1:46pm. There were 108 members representing 74 schools. Report of the Secretary Dana Hammer reported that the minutes of the 2010 COF Business Meeting held February 28,2011 in Savannah, GA, were in the process of being uploaded to the AACP website. An email notification will be sent to members with a link to the minutes as soon as they are posted. AACP Board of Directors Report Immediate Past Chair Matzke reported the highlights of the AACP Board of Directors meeting during this year. * Finances--AACP is doing well fiscally. PharmCAS has helped with this, along with some other expenses. Last year profit and expenses were roughly $12M. More detail will be posted on the association website soon. * Strategic planning--occurred last fall. Focused on portfolio review, emerging opportunities for membership, new products and services, and making sure all of these are linked to the strategic plan. * New Investigator Award--The BOD approved an increase in funding for the new pharmacy faculty research award program (formerly New Investigators Program). There will now be 18 awards available. * PharmCAS--There are 105 participating institutions. Plagiarism software was improved and the drug testing option has been enhanced. * AACP member representation to ACPE Board--interested members should talk with President-elect Brian Crabtree or President Rod Carter. * AJPE--celebration occurred on Saturday night's opening reception for the 75th anniversary of the journal. Editor Joe DiPiro gave a presentation. New AJPE website to be launched soon. * ACPE Report--There are now 125 schools/ colleges of pharmacy: 5 precandidate, 17 candidate, and 103 fully accredited programs. * AAMS--The Assessment and Accreditation Management System is joint project of AACP and ACPE. Multiple training sessions have been conducted nd many have expressed how very useful this tool which can be accessed from the AACP website is. Committee Updates (Final reports posted at http://www.aacp.org/ governance/councilfaculties/Pages/CouncilofFaculties CommitteeReport.aspx) 1. Final quorum committee report--no updates. 2. Faculty Affairs committee--Terry Schwinghammer (Chair, West Virginia) He thanked his committee members. …

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