
This study mainly discussed what the Taiwan's electorate thinking about the influence of cross-strait economic trade interaction towards Taiwan economy after Mr. Ma became the president of Taiwan in 2008. We could find that the ratio of the electorate felt that ”the economic interaction policy of cross-strait” implemented after Mr. Ma became the president of Taiwan had a positive influence towards Taiwan economy. Moreover, the electorate felt the macro economy of Taiwan would be benefitted from that economic interaction of cross-strait, but the micro economy of family didn't. The electorate with higher political knowledge and high family income felt the macro economy of Taiwan would be benefitted from that economic interaction of cross-strait, and the electorate supported Kuomintang. For the electorate who supported Democratic Progressive Party and had high ”family income” and high ”political knowledge” could make a judgment towards Taiwan economy and cross-strait interaction; thus, what the electorate thinking about that supported Democratic Progressive Party towards ”whether the macro economy of Taiwan that benefitted from that economic interaction of cross-strait or not” were more different. In short, the electorate felt the macro economy of Taiwan would be benefitted from that economic interaction of cross-strait, ”political party identification” was still more powerful than ”family income”, namely the explanatory power of ”family income” was lower than ”political party identification”. In addition, the political knowledge of the electorate also could explain some degree of this situation. Therefore, besides regional difference, the public's recognition towards the influence of cross-strait economic interaction to Taiwan economy might only be another form of political party identification. The political party identification from this perspective could be considered as emotional identification or ”the rational choice at the lowest cost” described by Fiorina. However, the influence of ”actual benefit” could not be neglected.

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