
The KMT honorary chairman Lien Chan conducted a so called“Peaceful journey”with China Communist Party’s Secretary General Hu Jintao in the People`s Great Hall of in Beijing on April 26,2005.They reached five consensuses during the meeting and then launched KMT-CCP party exchang platform.Through the“KMT-CCP forum”encourage both parties to interact more actively in order to build up political and economical consensus. In March 2008,Taiwan faced its second time ruling party alternation in power.After KMT back in power,the Ma administration started to set up Cross-Strait relationship policy based on previous experienced of KMT-CCP communications.Cross-Strait relationship had come to a new era.First,Ma administration resumed Cross-Strait negotiations,led by“Straits Exchang Foundation”and“Association for relations Across the Taiwan Straits”,which was halted back in 1996.Ma ying-jeou then completed 18 important agreements and 4 memorandum with mainland china,such as“Three Direct Links”,“unlock of Chinese visitors to Taiwan”etc…Furthermore,both sides have signed an agreement,Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,via 5th Chiang-Chen Meeting in Chung-Chin city in June 2010,which not only created a groundbreaking environment in cross-strait economic relationship,but also created normalization and institutionalization in trade and economic interaction. From the civil war between KMT and CCP in 1949, it was not until 2008 that Beijing started to think that there had been more positive changes in Taiwan and cross-strait relationship had shown good momentum. As a result, CCP’s 4th generation leader, Hu Jintao , widely promoted cross-strait exchanges in politic, economic, and culture fields on the basis of “1992 consensus” and suspend controversies” principles. However, Hu still insisted some core principles, such as ”One China policy” and “Unify China”, which were in line with the unification policies toward Taiwan inherited from former party leaders.This thesis intends to discuss the history and transform of CCP’s unification policies toward Taiwan during the year of 2008 to 2012.

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