
In this paper we want to analyze the political advertisements that five political parties published in the Turkish newspapers during the 2002 legislative elections: the Justice and Development Party, the Republican Party of the People, the Nationalist Movement Party and the Party of the Right Way and the Young Party. Our analysis will be based on the semiotics principles. Accordingly the political parties seek to be differentiated on some opposition axes such as youth/old axe, weak/strong axe, truth/lie axe, crime/punishment axe, honesty/dishonesty axe, clearness/obscurity axe, the common people / the political people axe, and the timorous/courageous axe. In those 2002 general elections political advertisements, it is obvious that the scene occupies the first rank while leaving little place to the word. But their ideology is very clearly expressed thanks to the shaping, to the icons and to the emblems choice, even also to the words choice.

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