
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 2000-2017年秦岭山地植被物候变化特征及其南北差异 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202002140250 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(19JK0930);中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2019M663922XB) Variation characteristics and its north-south differences of the vegetation phenology by remote sensing monitoring in the Qinling Mountains during 2000-2017 Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:气候变化背景下开展山地过渡带植被物候变化规律及区域差异研究对于揭示过渡带对气候变化的响应方式具有重要意义。基于2000-2017年MODIS EVI2数据,反演了秦岭山地植被物候参数并建立了遥感物候数据集,分析了近18年来秦岭山地植被物候变化的时空特征及其南北差异。结果表明:①秦岭山地植被物候变化表现出明显的地形和气候地域分异规律,尤以高海拔区的变化最为显著,全区GSS (物候始期)主要发生于70-130DOY (Day of Year),83.29%的区域呈提前趋势,提前主要集中在0-5d/10a (44.46%)与5-10d/10a (28.60%);GSE (物候末期)主要发生于270-310DOY,50.17%的区域呈推迟趋势,变化趋势不明显;GSL (生长期)集中在150-210d,65.34%的区域呈延长趋势,延长在0-5d/10a (19.28%)、5-10d/10a (20.71%)及10-15d/10a (14.12%)均有分布。②秦岭山地GSS对气候变化的响应程度显著大于GSE,南北坡植被物候变化不仅存在区域差异且存在季节差异,GSS北坡较南坡平均约早6.2d且南坡提前趋势较北坡显著,GSE南坡较北坡平均约晚5.8d且北坡推迟趋势较南坡显著,GSL北坡较南坡约长18.7-23.2d。③GSS、GSS及GSS变化表现出显著的海拔敏感性,随着海拔上升,GSS逐渐推迟,GSE逐渐提前,GSL逐渐缩短,三者在海拔≤600m及≥2700m地区随海拔变化的波动幅度较大,南北坡三者随海拔的变化亦存在明显的差异,海拔每上升100m,北坡GSS推迟1.76d,GSE提前0.25d,GSL缩短2.01d;南坡GSS推迟1.50d,GSE提前0.44d,GSL缩短1.94d。④不同植被垂直带上GSS、GSE及GSL的变化存在明显差异,尤以≤600m植被带上及高山灌丛草甸带上的差异最为明显,且三者在高山灌丛草甸带的发生时间及时长北坡与南坡发生转换,表现为GSS、GSE、GSL北坡较南坡分别平均早3.5d、晚2.9d、长6.4d。 Abstract:The study on the change law and regional differences of the vegetation phenology in the mountain transitional zone under the influence of global warming is of great significance to reveal how the transition zone responds to climate change. Based on the remote sensing data of the MODIS EVI2, our research focused on remote sensing retrieval of vegetation phenological parameters and created the dataset of the vegetation phenology by remote sensing monitoring in the Qinling Mountains from 2000 to 2017. We further analyzed the changing characteristics of the spatiotemporal pattern and its north-south differences of the vegetation phenology in the past 18 years. The following results were obtained in this study. (1) The change in vegetation phenology in the Qinling Mountains showed obvious topographic and climatic regional differentiation rules, especially in the high-altitude area. The growing season start (GSS) of the whole region mainly occurred on the 70th-130th day of year (DOY), 83.29% of the regions showed an advance trend, mainly concentrated in advance at 0-5d/10a (44.46%) and 5-10d/10a (28.60%). The growing season end (GSE) mainly occurred on the 270th-310th DOY, and the changing trend was not obvious, 50.17% of the regions were delayed. The growing season length (GSL) was concentrated within 150-210days, 65.34% of the regions showed an extended trend, the extension is scattered in 0-5d/10a (19.28%), 5-10d/10a (20.71%) and 10-15d/10a (14.12%). (2) The GSS response to climate change was significantly greater than that of the GSE, and there were not only regional differences but also seasonal differences in the Northern-Southern slopes in the Qinling Mountains. The GSS in the northern slope was approximately 6.2 days earlier than the southern slope on average and the southern slope had a more significant advance trend. The GSE in the southern slope was approximately 5.8 days later than the northern slope on average and the delay trend of GSE in the northern slope was more significant. The GSL extended with an average rate of 3.7 d/10a, and the extension trend was more significant in the northern slope. The GSL were approximately 114.6-249.7 days in the northern slope and 91.4-231.0 days in the southern slope. (3) The GSS, GSE, and GSL showed significant altitude sensitivity, and the changes of them with the rising altitude showed obvious differences between the northern and southern slopes. As the altitude increase, GSS was gradually delayed, GSE was gradually advanced, and GSL was gradually shortened. At the altitudes of ≤ 600m and ≥ 2700m, the fluctuation range of the three with the altitude was relatively large. With an increase in altitude of 100 m in the northern slope, there was a delay in the GSS by 1.76 days, an advancement of the GSE by 0.25days, and a shortening of the GSL by 2.01 days. For the southern slope, the GSS was delayed by 1.50 days, the GSE was advanced by 0.44 days, and the GSL was shortened by 1.94 days. (4) The changes of GSS, GSE, and GSL in the vertical vegetation zone, especially in the ≤ 600m vegetation zone and the alpine shrub meadow zone, had the most obvious differences between the northern and southern slopes. The three parameters in the northern slope and the southern slope were converted in the alpine shrub meadow belt. The GSS, GSE and GSL in the northern slopes were in sequence of 3.5days earlier, 2.9 days later and 6.4 days longer later than in the southern slope respectively. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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