
This thesis mainly describes two different parties how to adjust and shift predecessor’s China policy in their administration from the first party rotation to the second one. Although this thesis mentions the policies made by the leaders during 1949-2000 in those circumstances, the changes in this 50 years are slighter than recent ten years. For example, Chen Shui-bian puts forward the one country on each side policy to attempt to alter status quo of cross-straight, while Ma Ying-jeou consider that based on 1992 consensus, mutual respect, maintaining the status quo and shelving disputes are the best choices for Taiwan to make a break through.. Since the government of the republic of China moved to Taiwan, Taiwan’s China policy has always used no as the core. Every leader has faced different cross-strait circumstance, which is not only from the changes of China, but also the whole world. The policy in Chiang Kai-shek’s administration was Han people and other races cannot live together. Chiang Ching-kuo used “the 3 'No's”-“no contact, no talk and no compromise”, which was changed to “no initiative, no concession and no avoidance” to response. As the respond to “Jiang’s eight points”, Lee Teng-hui’s “six points”, “special state-to-state relations” and “no haste, be patient” policy mean that Taiwan has actively made a framework to cross-strait relationship from passively respond. When Chen Shui-bian’s in office, he advanced “four ‘No’s and one without”, “new five‘No’” ,“Bold conversation”and “Open actively and efficiency managing” to stabilize U.S.-China-Taiwan trilateral relations and clean the air. However, owing to the diplomatic thrust and sedulously squeezing out of China,Chen Shui-bian accordingly addressed “one country on each side” and “four ‘No’s and one without” for strengthen Taiwan as an independent country, which made cross-strait relationship to hit bottom. Before Ma Ying-jeou began his term of office,he raised “five dos and don'ts” and keeping negotiating with Chinese communist party. When he’s in office, he put forward “no unification, no independence and no use of force” as the cardinal principle of cross-strait policy and regard self-recognizing one China respectively as the basis of cross-strait consultation. Ma Ying-jeou administration even emphasize “equality ,dignity and reciprocity” and “the urgent prior to the subordinary, the easy prior to the difficult, and economy prior to politics” to deepen consultation system. After two times of party rotations, the leaders of Taiwan who are based on the core philosophy of party the belonged to, their administration would adjust China policy by the influence of Chinese leader. For the China policy of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou,the shift of principles and the adjustment of economic exchanges are so different and still similar, which is how to adjust China policy to maintain the peace with Chinese communist party and make own country benefit the most.

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